The Danish Ambassador to Vietnam Kim Højlund Christensen was awarded an insignia of friendship on 4 July for “peace and friendship among nations”.

The president of the Vietnam Union of Friendship Organisations (VUFO), Ambassador Nguyen Phuong Nga, pointed out the long-standing friendship between Vietnam and Denmark and said that during his term in the country, the Danish ambassador had contributed to the effective implementation of a transition programme to a low-carbon economy in Vietnam from 2017- 2022, and played an important role in promoting major Danish businesses in which to invest in Vietnam for 2022.

Besides making concerted efforts to promote their multifaceted relations, she also added that Christensen supported and participated in the foreign activities arranged by the VUFO, while actively co-ordinating with the Vietnam – Denmark Friendship Association to hold cooperation and people-to-people exchange activities in order to strengthen mutual understanding and friendly relations.

Ambassador Christensen, in turn, promised that no matter what position he held he’d continue to make contributions to further strengthen the traditional friendship and co-operation between Vietnam and Denmark.