Pioneering in responding to Việt Nam’s commitment at COP26 and implementing the Government directives on comprehensive digital transformation, the Việt Nam National Petroleum Group (Petrolimex) is studying to bring clean and environmentally friendly energy products to the market.

The group has also sped up the process of digital transformation, improving production and business efficiency and customer experience and services.

High-quality and environmental friendly products

Amid the trend of strong energy transition across the globe and implementing the Government direction in changing the growth model towards green growth, shifting to clean energy, and particularly in responding to the Government’s commitment at COP26, Petrolimex is an oil and gas business that always pioneers in trading high quality and environmental friendly products in the Vietnamese market.

As part of Petrolimex’s development strategy from now to 2030, with a vision towards 2045, to gradually develop into a green, clean and environmentally friendly corporation, Petrolimex and VinFast opened electric vehicle charging services at 10 petrol stations on October 14, as part of a plan to expand the network to 500 Petrolimex stations across the country.

Besides, Petrolimex has continuously enhanced cooperation with experienced partners such as its strategic partner ENEOS or other energy groups in the world in studying opportunities to invest, exploit and develop new, clean and renewable energy products.

Since 2021, Petrolimex started to study hydropower, a kind of clean energy that produces no CO2 emissions. In 2022, the group will continue studying the hydropower development programme until 2030 with a vision towards 2045.

Petrolimex is also installing solar panels on rooftops of its petrol stations. As scheduled, the two first petrol stations installed with rooftop solar system will be completed by the end of 2022.

Since the beginning of 2022, Petrolimex officially started trading the Euro 5 standard RON 95 gasoline (RON 95-V). This is currently the highest-grade gasoline product in the Vietnamese market with outstanding specifications equivalent to Euro 5 standards.

The sale of RON 95-V is in line with Government Decision No 49/2011/QĐ-TTg dated September 1, 2011, which provides the roadmap for application of level-5 exhaust emission standards to manufactured, assembled and imported brand-new cars and motorbikes as of January 1, 2022.

Since November 2019, Petrolimex imported on a trial basis marine fuels FO 0.5S with a maximum sulfur content of 0.5 per cent.
Petrolimex officially started to trade two types of marine fuels FO 180 – 0,5S and FO 380 – 0,5S (with a maximum sulfur content of 0.5 per cent) on January 1, 2020.

Since early 2018, Petrolimex started to sell diesel meeting Euro 5 emissions standards.

By the end of 2018, Petrolimex completed the replacement of all RON 92 petrol with E5 bio-fuel, 15 days ahead of the Government regulation.

Promoting comprehensive digital transformation

Together with the supply, research and development of clean energy products and the creation of a green future, Petrolimex also aims to build the group into a leading digital business on the basis of smart, safe and dynamic Petrolimex digital platforms via technology platforms, innovation and digital transformation.

Gradually applying digital transformation measures, Petrolimex is the first State-run enterprise to operate the human resources management system ERP-SAP on a national scale from January 1, 2013 and Egas – the management system of oil retail stations.
From April 1, 2018, Petrolimex officially started to issue e-receipts at its petrol stations to simplify administrative procedures and create favourable conditions for consumers while saving trading cost.

In 2021, despite the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic, Petrolimex cooperated with partners to successfully carry out the non-cash payment services and launch the Petrolimex-ID point bonus accumulation programme with the Petrolimex App, bringing in better benefits for customers amid the trend of digital transformation and the Government policy to promote non-cash payments.
As of September 20, 2022, the rate of cashless payments at petrol stations of Petrolimex reached over 10 per cent. Petrolimex continues to invest in modern technology and closely cooperate with partners with the aim of increasing this rate to 40-50 per cent by 2025.

Talking about Petrolimex’s efforts in clean energy development and digital transformation, Chairman of the Board of Management of Petrolimex Phạm Văn Thanh said: “With the pioneering role of Petrolimex in responding to the Government’s commitment at COP26 and implementing the Government directives on digital transformation, we believe that Petrolimex will continue to maintain its growth and develop sustainably, heading towards a leading energy group of Việt Nam with a modern and transparent administration model in line with international standards; and keeping up with global trends in energy transition and digital transformation”. — VNS