Vice President Võ Thị Ánh Xuân’s official visits to Denmark and Norway from November 20-25 was an opportunity for Việt Nam to consolidate the friendship with traditional partners, while bolstering cooperation amid rapid changes in the world and development in each country, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Lê Thị Thu Hằng has said.

In an interview with the Vietnam News Agency, the diplomat said the visits, the first made by Xuân, aimed at carrying out the 13th National Party Congress’ foreign policy of independence and self-reliance for peace, friendship, cooperation and development, multilateralisation and diversification of foreign relations, and deepening relations with traditional partners.

The visits were a vivid illustration for Việt Nam’s respect for Denmark and Norway – two friendship partners in Northern Europe which have supported Việt Nam during the country’s struggle for national independence in the past, and its current cause of national construction and development, she said.

Furthermore, the trips will make contributions to enhancing the relations with the two countries which set up diplomatic ties with Việt Nam more than 50 years ago, she said, adding Xuân’s visit to Denmark took place at the time when Việt Nam and Denmark marked the 10th anniversary of their Comprehensive Partnership, and right after the two nations established a green strategic partnership, while this was the first visit to Norway by a Vietnamese high-ranking leader after nearly five years.

Hang highlighted that the visits showed the resolve to expand the traditional friendship and cooperation, which helped open up new cooperative opportunities on the basis of mutual benefits, and strengthen collaboration and support each other at multilateral forums.

Hang went on to say that the visits demonstrated the Party and State’s care for Vietnamese expats, including more than 23,000 in Norway, and over 16,000 in Denmark.

During her stay, Xuân held talks with Danish and Norwegian leaders and met ministers and enterprises of both nations.

The visits are expected to contribute to consolidating political trust between Việt Nam and Denmark and Norway, Hằng said, adding leaders of both countries affirmed that they have attached much importance to boosting the relations with Việt Nam in their policies in the region, and agreed to enhance delegation exchanges at all levels, promote the roles of bilateral cooperation frameworks and mechanisms, and closely work with Việt Nam at multilateral forums as well as regional and international organisations.

Hằng stressed that Xuân’s visits created new impetus for the collaboration between Việt Nam and the two countries in economy-trade-investment, especially in the fields of Denmark and Norway’s strengths, and Việt Nam’s interests such as renewable energy, sea-based economy, environment and manufacturing.

Danish leaders agreed to work with Việt Nam to implement the EU-Việt Nam Free Trade Agreement (EVFTA), and support the European Commission’s removal of its “yellow card” warning against Việt Nam’s seafood.

Meanwhile, Norwegian leaders said they support the early conclusion and signing of a free trade deal between Việt Nam and the European Free Trade Association (EFTA).

Leading enterprises from the two European countries, including CIP, Vestas, Lego, Equinor, Eagle Technology and Stena Recycling, said Việt Nam holds huge potential to attract foreign investments.

The two nations, boasting strengths in science-technology and considerable experience in renewable energy and climate change response, said they support Việt Nam in the implementation of the Just Energy Transition Partnership (JETP) and its commitment to net-zero target by 2050, including financial support, technology transfer and human resources training.

Additionally, the visits contributed greatly to stepping up cooperation with Denmark and Norway across the fields of culture, sports, tourism, healthcare, education, gender equality, child protection and people-to-people exchanges.

Based on the outcomes of the trips, ministries, sectors and branches will continue coordination and carry out specific measures to promote cooperative relations with Denmark and Norway into a stronger fashion, meeting the aspirations of their people, and contributing to regional and global peace, stability, cooperation and development. — VNS