The project under the circular economy model is piloted by Agriculture Index Joint Stock Company from the beginning of this month.

The first project to build a trading floor for rice and rice by-products in accordance with Việt Nam’s circular economy model was officially launched on December 19, 2022, in the Cửu Long (Mekong) Delta province of Đồng Tháp.

The project under the circular economy model is piloted by Agriculture Index Joint Stock Company from the beginning of this month.

Project director Nguyễn Thị Tuyết Ngọc said that since the trading floor went into trial operation, it had attracted more than 132 businesses, including reputable traders purchasing 20,000 tonnes per month and about 100 transactions per day.

“This project cherishes the dream that this will be the exchange floor with the most digitised commerce in Việt Nam, integrating big data processing technology and artificial intelligence, supporting buyers, and providing services, supply of goods, flexible payment through financial guarantee packages from banks,” said Ngọc.

It is expected that when the trading floor officially comes into operation in March next year, it will be the bridge for 300 trading enterprises offering 50,000 tonnes per month.

The project to build the trading floor was formed with the goal of connecting all participants in the rice cycle in Đồng Tháp Province and the Mekong Delta provinces in general, with trade hubs across the country.

When the project officially comes into operation, it will operate with the domain and create a circular ecosystem for the rice industry and bring practical benefits to the units and businesses participating in the transaction floor. — VNS